
Showing posts from July, 2020

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

In January of 2006, two Burleson High School girls went to school with purses that had the confederate flag on them. They were told that the purses with the confederate flag violated the school dress code policy. They were given the option of having someone pick up the purses or going home. They chose to go home and took the matter all they way to the school board and eventually the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court backed the school and said that the Confederate Flag carried enough symbolism to disrupt school activities. While many young people in the United States like to believe that racism is mostly in the country’s past, this case illustrates that the symbols and iconography associated with the history of slavery are still potently meaningful. If the Confederate flag is synonymous with slavery, is there any place for its display in modern society? Those who fight for their right to display the flag say such a display should be c

Synthesise knowledge of public health informatics

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title STAT6001: Public Health Informatics Assessment Assessment 1: Report – Summarising Public Health Informatics (including evaluation) Individual/Group Individual Length 2,500 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: • Synthesise knowledge of public health informatics • Analyse the role of ICT in public health management and healthcare access and service delivery • Examine global and national legislation and strategies for ICT applications in health • Apply critical reasoning skills to assess and report onthe effectiveness of an ICT project • Evaluate the innovative use of ICT, including mHealth, eHealth and social media strategies for health promotion, disease outbreak and risk communication, emergencies and disaster response • Evaluate the ways that systems, infrastructure and resources can constrain the effective applications of ICT Submission Due Sunday following the end of Module 3 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT*

Java uses a braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’) to start and end all compound statements

Requirements in the description This is a “take home” exam. It is open book, open notes, open Internet, but you may not discuss any part of the exam with any person other than the instructor. It is, if you consider the number and difficulty of the questions, not difficult. There are items that need to be drawn in this exam. These drawings may be the slowest part of the test for those who have no or limited experience with the drawing tools available on virtually all personal computers, but such applications provide adequate tools for doing this digitally. At most, once you have a drawing or graph completed you will only need to do some copy-and-paste work. Word itself has good drawing tools and thus does not require copying a pasting. PowerPoint excellent ones and even Excel’s drawing tools can prove adequate. On a Windows PC with Microsoft Office Paint can be used. Comparable tools are available in the Apple and Linux environments. A last resort is pencil-and-paper, photographing and