
Showing posts from December, 2020

For many years, hospital accreditation bodies assumed that if the structural criteria were met, that is, that the physical plant, the qualifications of the staff, and the necessary equipment were in place, the quality of the services would automatically be acceptable

  For many years, hospital accreditation bodies assumed that if the structural criteria were met, that is, that the physical plant, the qualifications of the staff, and the necessary equipment were in place, the quality of the services would automatically be acceptable. Subsequently, accreditation groups decided that they had also better look at the medical records to see how the services were being provided. They assumed that, if the necessary structure was in place, and the required services were delivered as prescribed, the quality of care would be acceptable. Now, these same accrediting groups find it necessary to look at the outcomes of care as well. Describe "structure, process, and outcome" in the assessment of the quality of medical care, and provide examples of each dimension. How are the three dimensions related? Can these relationships be trusted to assure the quality of care in the complex, high-tech world of modern medicine? If not, why? Assignment status :  Solv

Magnitude of the public health issue

  Select a topic of interest (e.g. A specific disease or public health issue) The PowerPoint needs to focus on the following: -magnitude of the public health issue. -the impact of social determinants -the health behaviors on the health issue -strategies to combat the issues (e.g. Programs,polices) -the effectiveness of such strategies to combat the issue.  Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Data Warehouse Architecture

  This week's written activity is a three- part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. Be sure to include at least one UC library source per prompt, in addition to your textbook (which means you'll have at least 4 sources cited).  Start your paper with an introductory paragraph. Prompt 1 "Data Warehouse Architecture" (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing.  Prompt 2 "Big Data" (2-3 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology?  Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (2-3 pages):  One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT

Most 360-degree surveys are not free and in fact are very expensive if you want to get a license to use them at your organization.

  Assignment Overview Continuing on the themes of the Module 1 and 2 Case Assignments, for this module you will be doing a self-assessment as well as applying the concepts from the module to your own organization. Make sure to thoroughly review the required background materials before starting this assignment, as you need to apply concepts from readings such as Fleenor, et al. (2008) as part of this assignment. The checklist on page 37 of Fleenor, et al. is especially important for this assignment. Case Assignment This assignment has five sections. For each section, the suggested length is one half to one full page, for a total length of four to five pages not including the title page and references. You should also make sure to cite Fleenor, et al. (2008) and other sources multiple times throughout the paper as well as any additional references that you find: 1.       Most 360-degree surveys are not free and in fact are very expensive if you want to get a license to use them at your o

Michele Dickey wrote "Girl Gamers: The controversy of Girl Gamers and the Relevance of Female-Oriented Game Design for Instruction Design

  Media gender study. assignment around 250 words  Times have certainly changed since Michele Dickey wrote "Girl Gamers: The controversy of Girl Gamers and the Relevance of Female-Oriented Game Design for Instruction Design". Not only has the gaming industry pivoted from a male-dominated console-based world to a world in which mobile games with wide audiences reign supreme, but we now have games like Pokemon Go, which lets you assign your character a "style" instead of a gender. For this assignment, I would like you to discuss how games have changed from the time "Girl Gamers" was written and today. Please focus on representations of race and gender in games, and elements in games that have become more mass appeal and less white-male-specific. Please use examples from our reading and from modern media to support your thoughts and ideas. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT  CapitalE

Modern literature in both theme and style

  "Please see the Rubric information and the Lesson Content for the Additional Information needed to complete the assignment" Assignment For this project assignment, you will submit your Literary Analysis paper on the assigned novel selected for the course, which should focus on three or more elements of fiction to show how this novel is an example of modern literature in both theme and style. Please review the literary terms explored in this course. These will help you to develop the ideas and concepts you chose to examine in your paper. Technical Requirements: 6-7 pages in length, not including cover page and references page Use the APA template with APA cover and References page attached Use a minimum of 5 outside resources, in addition to the textbook At least three of the five resources need to be from the  Online Library. The remaining articles should be from credible sources.  Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing