Choose one non profit organisation
A3 Poster
5 references

                                  Assessment 1:description

Description:   Prepare an A3 poster that describes how the efforts of one public, private, not-for profit Agency, or faith based group and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more

just global community. A detailed description providing you with additional information about how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit’s LEO page under Assessment > Assignment 1

Poster Template. You can also use this PowerPoint template for your poster. You must follow the

format guidelines in Assessment > How to create your poster. Please note: to support your

preparation for this assessment, UNICEF and Caritas are provided as examples in activities in

Module 1. For this reason, you cannot use UNICEF or Caritas as your chosen organisation for

this assessment.

Length and/or format:  A3 sized poster.

 Purpose:       To describe how the efforts of public, private, not-for-profit agencies, or faith based

groups, and you as a professional can result in a more just global community.

Learning outcomes assessed: 1

How to submit:     The Poster page must be submitted via Turnitin. Instructions explaining

how to do this can be found on the UNCC300 LEO page under

Assessment > Turnitin Submission Quick Guide.

Return of assignment: Assignments will be returned on December 13 for preparation of assignment


Assessment criteria: A rubric outlining the criteria you will be marked on and the standard for each

criterion required to achieve each grade for Assignment 1 can be found on

LEO under Assessment > Rubric for Assignment 1.





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