ARTHI 2803-001: Textiles/Globalism Topic : Silk Kashan Carpet

Final Paper 7-8 pages total: required sections
• Title page: your name, title, hi-quality image (thumbnail I can expand or link to museum site showing textile)
• Paper 5-6 pages: consists of intro, thesis, revised FA, research, conclusion
• Note that your Revised formal analysis = 1 – 1.5 pages
• Final page is Citation (MLA) or Bibliography (Chicago manual of style)

this is total 7-8pages

Global Exchange Terms that describe practiced types of exchange War: colonialization, imperialism, booty from war (resources including humans) Cultural exchange: via books, exchange of objects, artistic practices Gifting: political, diplomatic, personal, within families, regions, international Final Paper 7-8 pages total: required sections • Title page: your name, title, hi-quality image (thumbnail I can expand or link to museum site showing textile) • Paper 5-6 pages: consists of intro, thesis, revised FA, research, conclusion • Note that your Revised formal analysis = 1 – 1.5 pages • Final page is Citation (MLA) or Bibliography (Chicago manual of style) • This totals 7-8 pages Final Paper required sections • Revised formal analysis: submit draft in Canvas assignment, must be marked completed to have an accepted final paper by 12/3 • A thesis that connects your textile conceptually to some aspect of Global exchange – see terms you defined in Midterm section #2. • You will have chosen a textile that is documented as participating in some aspect of global exchange: pattern, technology, materials, artistic practices etc. • Scholar’s paragraph(s) – draw on class readings or other scholarly works to explore concept more deeply or examine your textile • You are welcome to submit drafts of thesis or body of paper to me via email (FA in canvas) • Email me if stuck! Or need research ideas Textiles and Globalism in Early Modern Period: Paper and Presentation guidelines Please read all quidelines: 1. All papers should have the following components in their subject: a) A textile created between 1450 CE and 1800 CE b) A country we are studying or covered in readings, Europe, Ottoman Empire, Early West African Textiles, India, Japan, Peru, North American. It is possible to address a textile from another culture/country but you need approval of the textile with evidence of available research to guide your conceptual approach and research, for example cultural interchange and hybridity with Chinese textile forms covered in several books on bibliography. c) Papers may include images of other objects as comparisons as you establish that your textile is not unique but rather one in a group of other similar objects (of course you will explain in your paper how similar) 2. Each presentation and paper provide a thesis sentence and paragraph stating the claim or argument you are making. This thesis directs the concepts developed in your paper in relation to your chosen object/textile and represents your conceptual pursuits. 3. Conceptual approach to your chosen textile and paper should address topics addressed in our lectures, readings and discussions. Terms like: Globalism, Imperialism, Hybriditiy, Cultural reciprocity, Cultural contact, Colonialism and other terms that address movement of peoples, processes and fiber textile information, patterns and more during the Early Modern People. 4. Each presentation and paper must present scholarly research to support the thesis, as evidence include a brief discussion of one scholars’ ideas/concepts that you found in a journal or book that contribute to the support of your thesis (1-2 paragraphs). For example, in the topic sentence identify the author, essay/book title and what this scholar said – this can be a short quote or a close paraphrase and should be footnoted. Then in 2-5 sentences synthesize the material i.e. discuss what this quote means to you and how this information contributes or has resonance with your topic. Often this may seem evident to you but it is important that you “spell it out” for your reader – don’t make your reader do the work and guess what you think it means. Write it. 5. A revised formal analysis (FA)) of chosen object/artwork must be in your final paper. The FA should be in first 1-2 pages of your paper. 6. If you use other images in your paper – tell your reader why you are using them and how you are “reading” them. ID the image, date, and museum collection. 7. Include at least one paragraph describing the fiber and the process of production. 8. Please email if you have questions, I am available for meetings, assist with outlines, review, edit drafts, thesis revisions and more. 9. Paper grading: Thesis (10 points), Formal Analysis (10 points) Research to support thesis (35 points), Paragraph on scholar’s idea (10 points), Paragraph on fiber and process of production (5 points) Style/grammar (10 points), Conclusion (5 points), Footnotes (10 points) Bibliography (5 points). 10. References listed in your bibliography should include pertinent class readings, other books, journals, and websites utilized. If you use a website, provide both the name and the link to the site. Please use scholarly sites, .org or .edu are best 11. Double-spaced, 12 font, and 7-8 pages in content, title page and bibliography Class presentations – • Your presentation should include: a) Briefly tell your reader audience about the artwork. b) State your thesis or the main questions (2-3) that you are asking about this object. These questions direct your research and become/evolve to your thesis. c) Briefly describe the key information from your research that supports your thesis idea. d) You will have 8-10 minutes, which includes set-up and your presentation. So plan on speaking for no more than 5 minutes!!! Websites that are helpful in writing art history papers: Perdue Owl This website offers info on writing a formal analysis and research for an art history paper.


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