America:   Under Construction Capstone Social Studies/ELA Project

America:   Under Construction Capstone Social Studies/ELA Project Grade 8: United States History I Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy Topic Choices Historical Topic Theme to Explore Abolition Rights in History The Civil War -Conflicts and Compromises leading to war -Rising Tensions -Secession -Abraham Lincoln -Battles of the Civil War -The War’s End Triumph and Tragedy Reconstruction Leadership and Legacy Group: _________________________________________________________________ Topic Choice (be specific for Civil War): ___________________________________________ Resources: American History textbook/Two Miserable Presidents Abolition Textbook pages 389-400 and 407-412 Two Miserable Presidents pages 1-39 “How to Rip a Country Apart” and “John Brown Lights the Fuse” CW: Conflict and Compromises Textbook pages 430-438 Two Miserable Presidents pages 1-39 “How to Rip a Country Apart” and “John Brown Lights the Fuse” CW: Rising Tensions Textbook pages 439-449 Two Miserable Presidents pages 41-83 “Abe Lincoln’s Troublesome Victory” and “This is Going to be Serious” CW: Secession Textbook pages 450-460 Two Miserable Presidents pages 41-61, 83-107 :Abe Lincoln’s Troublesome Victory” and “Two Miserable Presidents” CW: Abraham Lincoln Textbook pages 446-447, 451-456, 459-460, 468-478 Two Miserable Presidents pages 41-61, 83-107 :Abe Lincoln’s Troublesome Victory” and “Two Miserable Presidents” CW: Battles of the Civil War Textbook pages 461-467 Two Miserable Presidents pages 151-202 “Can Anyone Win this War?” and “The Bloody Road to Richmond” CW: War’s End Textbook pages 468-487 Two Miserable Presidents pages 151-202 “Can Anyone Win this War?” and “The Bloody Road to Richmond” Reconstruction Textbook pages 492-518 Two Miserable Presidents pages 177-219 “The Bloody Road to Richmond” “What Ever Happened To…?” Abolition Letters from William Lloyd Garrison ce/ Beyond the textbook and pieces from Two Miserable Presidents and sources above, you’ll be on your own to locate sources for your exhibit and research paper. You’ll want to gather 7 more sources. Your annotated bibliography will have a minimum of 10 sources. Civil War For this option, you are on your own to compile a list of 10 sources beyond your textbook and Two Miserable Presidents.There are 6 topics to choose from if you decide to focus on The Civil War. Each topic has its own corresponding primary source, and then you’ll be on your own to locate an additional 7 sources. Topic Corresponding primary source Conflict and compromises Missouri Compromise Rising tensions Lincoln Douglas Debates Secession Declarations of Secession Abraham Lincoln Lincoln’s Inaugural Address Battles of the Civil War Letters and Diaries during the Civil War The War’s End Lee’s Surrender Reconstruction For the Reconstruction choice, you’ll vet the following primary sources: Reconstruction Amendments Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Civil Rights Act of 1866 Beyond these sources and your textbook, you’ll locate an additional 5 sources. This will be a total of 10 sources for your paper and exhibit. Graded Components 1. Research Questions ​(May 16th) (ELA Grade) ● Research Question Video Guide ● Research Question Powtoon Guide ● Research Questions should: ○ be related to your theme ○ guide the structure of your essay, ○ be how/why based questions, ○ be interesting, something you want to learn (non-obvious) ○ be accessible (something you will find answers to in your research/sources) ○ and be focused (not vague) Exemplary 100 points Good 80 points Fair 60 points Unsatisfactory 40 points Research questions demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and shows analytical and original thought​. Research questions are well developed and appropriate to assignment. Research questions are not too broad or too narrow Research questions are answerable Research questions are significant Research questions demonstrate good grasp of the topic’s depth and complexity. Research questions are fairly focused and relate to assignment. Research questions are not too broad or too narrow Research questions are mostly answerable Research questions are fairly significant Research questions demonstrate minimal knowledge or depth of the topic. Research questions relate to assignment but is overly broad or narrow​. Research questions are absent or posed as a yes/no question​. Research questions are vague​ and unrelated to assignment. 2. Annotated Bibliography​ (due May 29th) (ELA Grade) ● Reliable Sources (need 10, given 3-4, must come up with 6-7 on your own) ● Access the Citation Guide here 3. Research Paper​ (due June 11th) (ELA Grade) ○ Written as a group ○ Should be: i. Organized with clear topic sentences/sections ii. Should include evidence from 2-3 sources per research question (all sources must be used!) iii. Revised and edited, looked at by multiple eyes for multiple things including but not limited to: organization, use of evidence, interpretation of evidence, diction, grammar, consistent/appropriate verb tense iv. Read Aloud by multiple people to ensure clarity v. Formatted in Chicago Style or APA Style ○ You will include the following sections in your research paper: 1. Introduction, Thesis, & Literature Review Introducing Sources 2. Section 1: Research Question 1 3. Section 2 Research Question 2 4. Section 3: Research Question 3 (connection to the influence of your topic on another time period or society) 5. Conclusion 4. Exhibit Display​ (due June 12th) (SS Grade) Organize your exhibit components on a Google document. The document will be posted to Google Classroom 5. Creative Component-Strand-based ​(due June 20th) (SS Grade) For the creative piece of the project, you’ll highlight a PGTA strand. Feel free to explore a strand, even if it’s not what you originally got accepted for. Below are some ideas to get you started. The group will work together to develop one, complete project. Project must fit on the table provided for the exhibit. Academic Physical education Visual arts Performing arts Fact Sheet Poetry Children’s story Map of major battles Health Issues during the Civil War Battle formations (take photos of your group reenacting the formations) Civil War Fortnite skins Original artwork Graphic design–modern day Civil War propaganda Live performance (musical or acting) Song writing Slam poetry 6. Exhibit Day!​ (June 21st) (SS Grade)

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