
Gender is a fundamental social division. All around us we see differences between men and women (and girls and boys). The way they dress. The activities they engage in. What they say. What they want out of life. We see gender differences in the college classroom — who tends to major in what subjects? We see gender differences at the workplace — who tends to hold positions of power and authority? We see gender differences in the home — who tends to do the majority of housework? These social arrangements, which create and sustain gender differences, end up having powerful effects on the lifestyles and life chances of individuals.

Essay Possibility #1: Read this: What argument is the author of this blog post making? Do you find that argument compelling? Why or why not? As you write up your response, please reference and seriously engage with the course reading by Judith Lorber, “Night to his Day: The Social Construction of Gender.”

The post gender appeared first on Classic Essay Blog.


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