Research Paper

Paper Outline – 5%: The expectation is that you will submit a one-page typed double spaced outline of your proposed paper which identifies which of the assigned topics you intend to write about and outlines how you intend to apply one of the four identified lenses. The outline must also provide an additional page – a reference sheet in APA format listing the minimum of FIVE academic sources you will cite in your paper. You will then photocopy and attach the first page of each of these sources. Please submit this document as a scanned PDF single document via Blackboard by 10:00am. If it is not submitted by 10:00am but is submitted prior to class commencing, there will be a 10% deduction. If it is not submitted prior to class commencing, the assigned grade will be zero, but the assignment must be completed and submitted by June 26, 2018 in order to pass the class.


Paper – 20%: The Paper should be submitted in Blackboard as a PDF assignment and is due by 10:00am SHARP. If you submit your paper online in Blackboard after the deadline, but before class commences there will be a 10% deduction. If your paper is not submitted before class commences on the day it is due, it will not be accepted and will result in a mark of zero.  

Research Paper Topics (select one):

Write a brief essay analyzing theory and research on any one component of policing in a democratic society. You may choose from the following topics:

-policing domestic violence; -enforcing traffic laws;
preventing impaired driving offences; -investigating drug trafficking
-policing public protests; -reactive vs proactive policing;
-police discretion; -policing minority communities;

In your essay, please apply one of the following lenses in considering the issue:

  1. The crime control and/or the order maintenance model of policing.
  2. Limitations of policing as a result of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  3. Research on the effectiveness of police strategies.
  4. Policing and feminist issues/critiques

Technical Requirements: The entire paper (title page, introduction, main body, conclusion, and references) must be written in APA format. The paper should be 1500-2000 words: 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, doublespaced. This does not include the title page or references page. Please include the word count on the title page of your paper. Your paper must include a minimum of five academic sources pertaining to the issue in Criminology you have chosen to discuss. Non-academic sources are unacceptable.  Structure of the Paper:

Introduction – Every academic paper should start with an introduction. This paragraph introduces the reader to the paper topic and tells the reader the purpose of the paper.

Body – The main body constitutes the majority of the paper. In this section, you should explain the issue in detail and demonstrate that you have indeed conducted research and are an expert on the subject.

Conclusion– The conclusion should briefly summarize the main points of the paper.

References – ALL of the academic sources you cited throughout your paper in the introduction, main body, and conclusion should appear in the References page. All references must be formatted according to the most recent edition of the American Psychological Association’s standard of referencing (i.e., APA format). You will lose marks if this is not done properly. A guide showing exactly how to do this can be found here:       or search “Douglas College APA” on google.

Direct quotations – should be used sparingly (no more than 2 in the ENTIRE paper). Students should be aware that the instructor reserves the right to fail any written work where a certain percentage (this is up to the instructor) of the total body of the written work is comprised of direct quotes, irrespective of whether the information is extracted from cited sources.  EDIT, EDIT, EDIT! – The difference between and “A” and a “B” is the amount of time spent editing. Ask friends or relatives to read your paper for clarity and understanding. Read it aloud to yourself because if it doesn’t sound right to you, it will be confusing for your reader. You should edit your paper a minimum of three times before submitting. Edit once, put the paper aside for a day or two, and edit again. Then ask someone else to edit it for you. Please do not rely solely on the Spelling and Grammar function of your word processing program. These programs do not take into consideration the context of the sentence. Do not use the thesaurus function unless absolutely necessary!

Please note that papers must be completed individually and are to be submitted AS A PDF document via Blackboard. In other words, if your paper is not submitted by the indicated deadline, it will be considered late. Extensions for the paper will only be granted when requested in advance of the due date, under extenuating circumstances, which are limited in definition and defined by the instructor. Re-writes will not be permitted.

Late papers will not be accepted and will result in a mark of zero.


Turnitin & PDF Expert: Douglas College subscribes to, which is an internet-based service that is used to review written work for textual similarity with other written works. Works that are submitted to are included as source documents in the reference database, in order that the submitted works can be reviewed for textual similarity with other written works submitted to Douglas College views use of as very important in upholding academic integrity, which is a paramount concern for the College. As a condition of completing this course, students agree to allow their written works to be submitted to the website, and to the retention of their works by (or any similar service provider), for review of textual similarity with other works. See Douglas College Policy and Academic Calendar. Additionally, your papers will be marked using the PDF Expert Software. If a student does not agree to submit his/her term paper into the database and have it marked using the PDF Expert Software then he/she must consult with the Instructor no later than the end of the second week of classes to make alternate arrangements to verify the authenticity of their work and make alternate arrangements for m

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