You will need to upload your essay as an attachment to the peer review discussion board. In your post, you should explain what genre you will write in next and ask three questions you have for your peer reviewers.

The first draft of your essay should be 1,200 words and will need to:

make a personal connection to your issue — this can be anywhere in your paper!
introduce your argument + engage your reader by explaining the challenge, its connection to UO as a site of global learning, and the urgency for dealing with it now
include body paragraphs that connect to and support your claim using personal experience, hypothetical examples, other voices (articles, interviews, TED talks, etc.), and other context-specific evidence (don’t forget Emerson and Lahiri!)
use organized paragraphs to best persuade your reader to sympathize with and understand your point of view
conclude with a call for action, by asking a new question, by discussing the implications of your argument, by addressing the “so what? who cares?” questions, by referring back to your opening anecdote, etc.

project 2: argumentative “essay”


Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, “Each age, it is found, must write its own books; or rather, each generation for the next succeeding. The books of an older period will not fit this” (46). Project 2 is your opportunity to write your own “book” about your experience as a transnational, multilingual Global Scholar at UO. You will use writing to explore your own experience and to connect it to an actual issue that is important to you to an audience who has a stake or investment in the issue.

You will develop an argument using a question at issue and the reasoned thesis. Your claim takes a position on an issue, even if that position is simply to further analyze the issue, and your essay provides a logical line of reasoning and evidence to support your claim. The strongest arguments consider different perspectives on the issue. The genre, or form, in which you want to write the argument is up to you: it can be a traditional essay or it can be a letter, speech, or professional blogpost.

Your essay will need to:

  • introduce your argument + engage your reader by explaining the challenge, its connection to UO as a site of global learning, and the urgency for dealing with it now
  • write body paragraphs that connect to and support your claim using personal experience, hypothetical examples, other voices (articles, interviews, TED talks, etc.), and other context-specific evidence (don’t forget Emerson and Lahiri!)
  • organize paragraphs to best persuade your reader to sympathize with and understand your point of view
  • conclude your argument with a call for action, by asking a new question, by discussing the implications of your argument, by addressing the “so what? who cares?” questions, by referring back to your opening anecdote, etc.

audience: Who are you trying to convince and what do you want them to do, i.e. to think more critically about the issue, to change their perspective on it, to take a particular action? Keep in mind the scope of your work. You will be most successful if you choose a local audience that is familiar to you. I encourage you to consider US monolingual students, teachers, or administrators (like Pres. Schill!).

genre: Choose the form of the argument you want to write based on the audience you wish to reach. Possibilities include a traditional academic essay (to a community of specified researchers or academics); a letter (to President Schill, for instance); a speech (for a rally, a student body meeting, a school board meeting, etc); or a professional blogpost (in a university, public intellectual, or trade context).

sources: You will determine the best evidence to use based on what you are arguing, who your audience is, and the genre in which you are writing. You may use sources that you used for essay 1. To keep working on our synthesizing and quoting skills, I am requiring that you use at least 2 sources for this essay and include at least one quote.

essay 2.1/essay draft: 1,200 words minimum

Check the grading contract for consequences of turning in assignment late.

essay 2.2/essay revision: varies

Using feedback from me and your peers, you will revise and develop your argument, clarifying your focus and adding explanation, details, and evidence where necessary. The length of your final paper will be guided by the genre in which you write.

formatting: If you are writing an essay, you will need to use APA or MLA format. If you are writing in another genre, you will need a works cited page and a clear method of showing your reader when and where you are using the ideas of others. Your citation page can be in MLA or APA. I will work with you to identify and address patterns of grammatical errors that may prevent understanding. As a class, we will develop criteria for the essay that I will use to provide feedback for your work.

purpose: Foremost, the purpose of the essay is to make an argument for addressing an issue that is important to you and others. Ultimately, the ideal is to use your writing as a way to have a voice and be a voice for others in the communities and institutions of which you are a part.

timeline: follow due dates and submission guidelines on the syllabus + Canvas



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