aboriginal tribes

A little background on the word “archetype”:
Several people believe that we have patterns of thoughts, or archetypes, that come out in our dreams and in literature that form the beliefs and attitudes that we have towards the way we think and live.
Simply put, an archetype is a recurring pattern of character, symbol, or situation found in the mythology, religion, and stories of all cultures. In the context of archetypes, a man named Joseph Campbell defined his work as a search for the commonality of themes in world myths. Another man named Carl Jung defined his concept of the archetype as a formula that is the result of countless experiences of our ancestors. Both men felt that the experience of being human can be examined collectively across time, space, and culture.  Our commonality can be traced to the most primitive origins of the human consciousness, where archetypal themes originated.

This is a basic definition an archetype.  If you want to look into this further, search the Internet for these two authors.

With what you have read about archetypes, and keeping this in mind, it is interesting to know that many aboriginal people survived the tsunami that occurred in Indonesia/Thailand in 2004 (known as the Indian Ocean earthquake), while thousands of others did not.

There are several aboriginal tribes that survived, but you only need to find one for this assignment.

Your assignment for this section is to complete the following:

What is the tribal name of these aboriginal people?
Where exactly do they live?
What do you know about their way of life?  How do they eat, live, work, etc.?
How can you link the fact that they survived the tsunami to their ancient beliefs, myths, &/or legends? What were they specifically?
What did you learn about how they survived?
What does this tell us about myths and legends?

The post aboriginal tribes appeared first on Classic Essay Blog.


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