Art response

1. The format of your writing must be consistent with the sample that I upload (structure, 2 .paragraphs, resources, the name of the professor and the name of his work).
Do not write anything that is not related to the professor and his work (Da Vinci, Picasso, etc.), you can write how he created the work, what material it uses, its texture, style, how you feel and so on.
3. The main argument should be the main part of your writing. You are required to develop a solid and meaningful argument in response to the thesis question.
4. Your argument in the lecture response must be supported by AT LEAST TWO EXAMPLES of artworks I gave you.
5. Encourage Your  Imagination. 400 words is enough.
Question: Whoever controls the medium, controls the culture”. Discuss how artists control the medium as a political gesture to initiate a dialogue about social or cultural
Professor: Ty Warren

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