First, read in the Week 4 content area and the Map of Hope selections noted in the syllabus.

First, read in the Week 4 content area and the Map of Hope selections noted in the syllabus. (The reading assignments for this week are from our Map of Hope assignment. Please use the author name as your guide (some editions may have different pagination).* Read Hirabayashi, 65-69; El Saadawi, 120-123; Muniz-Huberman, 124-125; Cassidy, 129-136)

What happens to the mind, body, and spirit under the conditions of imprisonment, such as the kind we witness in our readings this week?  How do the readings confront us with the harsh reality of life as a prisoner of war or political persecution?  How do we as readers bear witness to these psychological and emotional truths?

For this week’s assignment, you are a human rights worker who must interview an imprisoned subject and communicate your observations about the imprisoned individual’s conditions and state of being to a larger audience.  In your brief (300-500 word) report, use the images and expressions directly from the readings convey your findings.


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