Research Project Guidelines
Your research paper is to be based on one of the case studies in your Manyika reading.  The case studies, as you’ll see, explore the state of several industries and the automation that might make them more efficient. You’ll choose an industry and one or two challenges that the industry faces, and you’ll elaborate on the automation that could help the industry overcome these challenges.
Ask yourself “What is/are the significant problem(s) that this industry faces and what sort of technologies can solve that problem or problems?” Almost every sentence in a research paper comes from an outside source and should have a citation at the end of every sentence or paragraph, with a few exceptions, and matching bibliographic entry at the end of the paper. Include citations, footnotes, and endnotes in APA style using the Word references tool. Using this tool is a requirement. Videos appear on the Canvas main page of this module to help you use the Word feature that will automate this aspect of your research project.
The case studies from which you are to choose in the Manyika reading is called “5 Case Studies.” The PDF page number is 63, and the content page number is 53. The case studies are about these industries: 1) Medicine, subject: hospital emergency rooms; 2) airline, subject:  aircraft maintenance; 3) oil and gas, subject:  oil and gas predictive maintenance; 4) grocery, subject: improved customer experience; 5) mortgage, subject: customer applications.
Student submissions for this assignment are usually about 5 pages, with a cover page of whatever design you choose but without headers or footers. The content of the paper (after the cover page) must be formatted with 1.5 line spacing and 1” margins. Each section must have a heading–such as (but not necessarily) Industry Description, Problem Statement, Findings, Conclusion, Bibliography—and should be centered and bold above the narrative. Page numbers should appear on every page (except the cover page) in the format “1 of 10 pages.” In the footer, where the page numbers are, align right your name and the title of the paper. The top of the footer must be aligned with the top of the page number footer.
Step 1: Post the case study of your choice.
Step 2: Write your problem statement. What are the problems your industry subject faces? Suggested structure for the step 2 submission:
•    Describe the industry
•    Summarize the problems that the industry now faces
•    Narrow the topic to one problem or two problems named in the case study
•    A bibliography with 2 or 3 entries (you will add more later)
Maintain a focus on technological issues and solutions. Tip: The substitution of technology for humans is not an acceptable focus for this research.
Your problem statement submission should be no more than 2 paragraphs, 1.5 line spacing. The name of the industry followed by “Problem Statement” should be centered at the top of the first page of your writing. Page numbers should appear on every page in the format “1 of 2 pages.” In the footer, where the page numbers are, align right your name and “Problem Statement in [the GROCERY STORE Industry].

The post The GROCERY STORE Industry appeared first on Classic Essay Blog.


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