The relation between well-being and income (Happiness economics)

Divide the text into chapters and divide these chapters into sections. Your sections should be subdivided into paragraphs. Indent the beginning of each paragraph except the first one in a chapter or section. If you decide to include tables or figures: number them, give them captions and cite their source.
Before Chapter I, there must be a clear table of contents.

Start your thesis with an introduction that clearly outlines your topic, your research question (i.e. which aspect of the topic you will focus on), your hypothesis (if any) and the research method you will use. In other words: What is my topic? What do I want to prove? And, how will I go about it? This introduction should not contain any personal reflections on your affinity with the topic or any acknowledgements of family or friends, etc. Any such remarks belong in a preface which may precede the introduction.
Always end your thesis with a conclusion, assessing what has been shown in the thesis and the extent to which you consider your hypothesis proven. Note that a conclusion may not contain any new facts or arguments! However, it must be more than a summary of your thesis.

Recommended spacing is 1.5.

Use parentheses sparingly. It is often preferable to put the information you wish to add in a proper
subordinate clause. Avoid underscoring and italicizing text except in the following cases: the titles of books, films, etc., the names of newspapers and other periodicals, words in a foreign language which are not commonly used.

Avoid plagiarism: quote or paraphrase the
author’s words and provide proper references. Take particular care to refer to the right page number(s).
If you leave out any part of the text you are quoting, you must indicate this by three ellipsis dots between parentheses (…).

The post The relation between well-being and income (Happiness economics) appeared first on Classic Essay Blog.


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