Activists, Soldiers, Mothers: Women in Revolutionary America


Activists, Soldiers, Mothers: Women in Revolutionary America


The image is a painting that shows a man, woman and five children of different ages, outside in a wooded area. Two of the children are playing.Painting entitled The Artist and His Family, by James Peale.


This activity addresses the following outcomes:

  • MO1: Examine, interpret, and evaluate the impact of gender on colonists’ experience in Revolutionary America. (CO1, CO3, CO5)


Women played a variety of roles in Revolutionary America. Their boycotts and homespun proved integral to the protests prior to the war. Once the war began, they played vital roles as spies, soldiers, and managers of their husbands’ affairs. And throughout it all, they remained wives and mothers, with all the myriad responsibilities those roles encompassed.


In this discussion thread, we are going to take a closer look at women in Revolutionary America. Because many of them were not literate and even fewer inhabited the public sphere, it is harder to uncover this history through primary source materials.


Begin by reading the Module Notes Presentation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and “‘It Was I Who Did It’: Women’s Role in the Founding of the Nation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” by Carol Berkin. This will provide a brief overview of the myriad roles women held in the Revolution. Then, read “My Constant Attension on My Sick Child”: The Fragility of Family Life in the World of Elizabeth Drinker (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., which examines the everyday life of a wife and mother in the revolutionary period. And finally, read Abigail Adams’ famous letter (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to her husband John Adams and Linda Kerber’s The Republican Mother (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; these sources examine the uncertain role women played in a purportedly egalitarian society.


As you review the primary and secondary sources, consider all of the questions below. Then choose ONE of the bullets below (or choose a THOUGHTFUL topic of your own) to address thoroughly in an initial post of at least 250 words. You should use specific examples from the assigned readings in your post.

  • What role did class and gender play in the experiences of women in revolutionary America?
  • Was the concept of republican motherhood progressive or reactionary for the era? Why?
  • How did the Revolutionary War affect women and home life? How did their involvement in the war reflect the gender roles of the era? How did it stretch or change them?
  • How does Abigail Adams’ letter reflect the themes explored in the other sources?

The post Activists, Soldiers, Mothers: Women in Revolutionary America appeared first on Classic Essay Blog.


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