Decision-Making Report Instructions

Decision-Making Report Instructions

You will survey and report on the perceptions and issues with ethical decision-making in higher education. Colleges and universities are custodians of knowledge. Because the possession of knowledge is the source of power—understood here as the ability to influence decisions in contemporary society—these institutions are also the gateway to power, significantly affecting the quality of economic and social life throughout the world. Thus, insofar as colleges and universities create and disseminate knowledge within a particular society, they are institutions with moral responsibilities to maintain the well-being of that society.

Be specific with your finding and recommendations for addressing this issue. Be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • The report must follow current APA format and style, including:
    • A title page,
    • A reference page,
    • Double spacing, and
    • Writing in third person.
  • The report must be at least 3 pages, not including the title page or reference page.
  • At least 5 references

Journal Critique Instructions

You will submit an Journal Critique that are to coincide with the topic listed below. Articles from different professional journals must be used for the development of your critiques:


Journal Critique 3: University Safety and Security


For each critique, follow these guidelines:

  • Articles are not to be more than 1 year old.
  • Current APA format must be used, including:
    • A title page,
    • A reference page, and
    • Writing in third person.
  • Critiques must be at leaset 2 pages, not including the title page or reference page.

Include the following content:

  • Summary of author’s position (1–2 paragraphs);
  • Analysis of author’s premise and the extent to which it is backed up; and
  • Response that specifically addresses your agreement/disagreement with author, and why.



Rather than expecting the class to absorb and digest the contents of over 400 pages of the APA Manual, I thought I would provide you with a few items I look for when reviewing your written assignments. I do not require you to adhere to APA standards when developing your discussion board postings (the University is using the 6th edition of the APA Manual):

  • Include a cover page, and reference page with your submissions.
  • Number your pages.
  • List your sources alphabetically by the author’s last name.
  • Do not number the sources on the reference page.
  • If you are unable to identify an author, you may use “anonymous”.
  • All sources that appear on the reference page must be cited in the body of the text.
  • All sources cited in the body of the text must appear on the reference page.
  • When you list a source on the reference page indent all lines except line “one”.
  • Citations must contain author/date information.
  • When including a direct quote (word-for-word) you must enclose the cited information with quotation marks and place a page number behind the date in the citation.
  • Page number(s) in citations should appear like this; (Jones, 200, p. 8), or (pp, 3-4).
  • The sentence period goes after the citation unless you are including a block quote, then the period goes before the citation.
  • Avoid the use of contractions (don’t, won’t, can’t, etc), they are not considered scholarly.
  • Block quotes (more than 40 words) do not need to be enclosed with quotation marks and are not indented.
  • Do not use web addresses in lieu of an author’s name in a citation.
  • If you are citing an author that the primary author has cited you list it as, Jones 2006 (as cited in Webster, 2008).
  • Only use scholarly or at least accurate sources in your submissions; “Wikipedia” is not considered a scholarly source.

An example of how to list a book:

Gutek, G. L. (1995). The history of the western educational experience (2nd ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

An example of how to list a magazine article:

Jones, E. (2008, May 15). How to become a millionaire by age 39. Newsweek. 56-60.

An example of how to list a news paper article:

Jones, E. (2008, September 3). Obesity and starving children. The North Platte Reader. p. A1.

An example of a television broadcast:

Jones, E. (Executive Producer). (2008, June 5). The Edward Jones hour [Television broadcast].             Somerville, ND: Broadcasting Service.

An example of a newspaper article obtained from an online search:

Jones, E. (2008, June 10). Annual average rain fall report for central United States by year.           Somerville Times. Retrieved August 26, 2008, from

An example of how to cite a PowerPoint presentation or slide:

Oard, D. (2001). Bringing Star trek to life: Computers that speak and listen [PowerPoint slides].

Retrieved from University of Maryland TerpConnect Web site:

There are many different types of material you can use as sources which of course require some adjustment in how they are listed on the reference page, but what I listed above should provide you with a boost. Remember, your citations are designed to guide the reader to the source of your information.


Dr. Dorr




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