Reflection on Portfolio Assignment

Reflection on Portfolio Assignment

Reflect on your portfolio of work and the questions below.

Write a five paragraph reflective essay on the work that you produced for the class:

A.  Begin with a brief introduction and a thesis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that summarizes how you have experienced this course.

  1. Then, write three body paragraphs (described below.)  The paragraphs do not need to be in RTW format, but you certainly can use the CER structure to help you stay organized.

    1) Write one body paragraph about how your critical thinking, reading and writing

skills have developed in this course.
2) Write one body paragraph about the role of the St. Kate’s mission in your life,

your work and your studies.
3) Write one body paragraph about how you will lead and influence on social justice
issues in the best tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph.

  1. Finally, write a brief conclusion summarizing your experience in this course.

Provide depth in each body paragraph.  While you don’t have to use RTW, use ample evidence and reasoning throughout your body paragraphs. Use transitions to connect your ideas in your paragraphs. Even though this is a less formal, personal and reflective piece of writing, it should still be polished. Proofread x 3.  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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