What were the main arguments put forth by the pro-and anti-emancipationist forces?

Work two parts seperately

Part 1
write a short essay,control words account between 500 – 750 words

essay must consist of:
1. An Introduction paragraph, which contains a minimum of two sentences that introduces your answer to the reader and establishes a foundation for the remainder of your answer.
2. Body paragraph(s), which present the major content of your answer. Include at least three body paragraphs with three or four sentences within the paragraph.
3. A conclusion paragraph, which contains a minimum of two sentences and summarizes the major points contained in the body paragraphs.

What were the main arguments put forth by the pro-and anti-emancipationist forces?  What are the main differences between the emancipation processes in Germany and France?  What was the impact of Russian tsarist policies toward the Jews?

Part 2

Make a brief discussion
control words account between 150 – 220 words

Who do you think were the most important agents of “modernity” and change in early modern Jewish society and why?  I would also like you consider the opposite sociological process and that is of traditionalism. hink about the ways in which the conversoexperience shaped Jewish identity for the group that identified themselves as the “Portugese nation.

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