Examine one specific psychological principle of human behavior from an historical perspective

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ PSYU 351 Signature Assignment Instructions Page 1 of 4 Revised: June 2016 PSYU 351 Signature Assignment Term Paper Introduction Throughout this class, you have studied and learned about the people, theories, and events that have shaped the field of psychology. The goal of the Signature Assignment Term Paper is to learn more about psychological concepts and individuals that are important within the history of psychology. This paper is a review of literature. The emphasis is on the history of your selected topic as related to psychology. A list of suggested topics and theorists is available at the end of this document. The list is not exhaustive, but if you choose a topic/theorist that is not on this list, you must get approval from your instructor before beginning your work. If you have any questions prior to developing your proposal please contact the instructor. It is significant for you to note that the emphasis for this assignment must be on the history of your selected topic. For this term paper, you will have two options: 1. Examine one specific psychological principle of human behavior from an historical perspective, or 2. Write about the historical contributions of a major contributor to the field of psychology and the understanding of human behavior. Specific Psychological Principle of Human Behavior You may, for example, review specific principles and associated topics of human behavior, such as theories of learning, cognition, psychopathology, functionalism, or structuralism. With this selection you must include the contributions of an historical person(s) instrumental in the development of the psychology principle examined in the term paper, and also include a discussion of the importance of this topic to the understanding of human behavior. This paper must include the following areas: 1. Short autobiography of selected theorist 2. Development of the theory by the theorist (including the key components of the theory) 3. Historical contributions to psychology 4. Modern day applications Major Contributor If you select to examine an important theoretical contributor to the field of psychology, individuals such as B.F. Skinner, Erik Erikson, Carol Gillian, and Albert Bandura among others would be acceptable. With this selection you must include a discussion of the effect of the contributions of the individual to the field of psychology and human behavior. This paper must include the following areas: 1. School of psychology 2. Historical foundations of school or area 3. Important theorists 4. Modern day applications _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PSYU 351 Signature Assignment Instructions Page 2 of 4 Revised: June 2016 Requirements for Assignment 1. This assignment is due in Week #7, no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday evening. 2. The entire paper must be written in 6th edition APA format. a. Note that many formatting programs may be used to help you with APA, but are not smart programs. They do not edit your mistakes. b. Do not rely on other sources to be 100% correct (such as OWL Purdue). It is best to use the APA Manual for all your work. 3. It is recommended to use subheadings to help organize your paper (if applicable). 4. You must have a title page. 5. You must have an abstract that summarizes the content of your paper. 6. You must have a reference page. a. You must use between 10-15 references. Of these, you must include three primary sources (i.e., books written by the theorists, personal and professional letters, etc.), and may include no more than three (3) text books. All remaining references must be scholarly/peer reviewed journals. The course text may not be used as a reference. b. When discussing research, include the purpose of the study, sample, method, results, and conclusion to the study. c. NOTE: Wikipedia is not a scholarly reference. Please do not reference Wikipedia as a reference source. Wikipedia is helpful in generating ideas and may help in locating legitimate scholarly references. 7. A table of contents is optional. 8. Your paper must include an introduction with a clear thesis or statement of purpose statement. 9. Your paper must also have a conclusion that summarizes your paper. 10. The paper must be written in third person. Do not use personal pronouns (i.e., I, we, our) or impersonal you (i.e., you or your). 11. Provide citations throughout the text of your paper. 12. Use Times Roman 12 point font (as required by 6 th edition APA format). 13. Submit your document as a Word file. If you do not have Word, please save your file as a text file. If your instructor cannot open it, he or she cannot read and grade it. 14. The paper must be 9 to 12 pages in length, not including the title page, table of contents, abstract, or the reference list. 15. You will not receive extra points for a longer paper. 16. Please note that there are four other assignments associated with the Signature Assignment. (1) A two page Term Paper Proposal due Week #2 [20 Points]; (2) A Week #2 Discussion Forum regarding “The Topic of My Paper” [12 Points]; (3) A Power Point Presentation (PPT) due Week #7 [50 Points]; and (4) a Discussion Forum of your PPT in Week #8 [20 points]. Thus, the total points for the Signature Assignment Term Paper and related assignments are 342 points, or 53% of the total grade. Please review the requirements for these assignments located in the Additional Resources folder located in the Course Information Content area. Helpful Guidelines for Writing Your Paper 1. Make sure you use citations throughout your paper. None of this should be your opinion. Ideas have to be cited as well as statistics and/or direct quotes. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PSYU 351 Signature Assignment Instructions Page 3 of 4 Revised: June 2016 2. Keep your biases out of the paper. Use your critical thinking skills to do review and application. 3. Use quotations sparingly. A rule of thumb is no more than one on a page. 4. You should not have two quotations in a paragraph. 5. How you say something is almost as important as what you say. In other words, the tone of your paper should be professional. 6. It is critical for your writing to flow well and have no grammatical errors. 7. This is a formal paper. Do not write as if you are speaking. 8. Make sure that you reference who you are citing within the text of the paper. 9. Paraphrase the work of others and give them credit (when reviewing literature). In other words, do not plagiarize. 10. If you do not cite what you have paraphrased, this is considered plagiarism. 11. Do not copy large blocks of information from any source. Your instructor is more interested in reading how you interpret what you have read. 12. If you do copy anything word for word, quotation marks must be put around the words you have copied. You must then cite the author, year, and page number of the source from which you took that information. If there is no page number, you must cite the paragraph number. Note that just providing this information with no quotation marks around the copied material is considered plagiarism (unless you have used a block quote). 13. Name the document as follows: last name Term Paper PSYU 351. Submit to the course “SA-Term Paper” assignment link located in the Week #7 content area. 14. In order to better develop you area of interest, this assignment will require you to scan and review the entire book before selecting a topic. 15. Term Papers not accepted for grading may result in an automatic course failure. Typically, plagiarized papers are examples of a paper rejected for grading. Remember that all Signature Assignment papers are reviewed through Turn-It-In. If you do not understand what plagiarism is, you are strongly encouraged to obtain help from Brandman’s Online Writing Center (OWC). If plagiarism is suspected the student will be subject to the Academic Integrity Violations Policy located in the current Brandman Catalog. Example Topics and Associated Theorists 1. Theories of Learning 1) J. B. Watson 2) Ivan Pavlov 3) Vladimir Bekhterev 4) B.F. Skinner 2. Existential Psychology 1) Soren Kierkegaard 2) Martin Heidegger 3. Gestalt Psychology 1) Max Wertheimer 2) Kurt Koffka 3) Wolfgang Kohler 4. Psychoanalytic/Neo-Psychoanalytic Psychology 1) Anna Freud 2) Erik Erikson 3) Alfred Adler 4) Sigmund Freud _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PSYU 351 Signature Assignment Instructions Page 4 of 4 Revised: June 2016 5. Humanistic Psychology 1) Viktor Frankl 2) Charlotte Buhler 3) Abraham Maslow 4) Rollo May 6. Cognitive Psychology 1) Jean Piaget 2) Noam Chomsky 3) Charles Spearman 4) Alfred Binet 5) David Wechsler 6) Howard Gardner 7) Mary Whiton Calkins 7. Personality Theory 1) Karen Horney 2) Hermann Rorschach 3) Sybil Eysenck 4) Christina Drummond Morgan 5) Carl Jung (limited use, not primary theorist) 8. Feminist Psychology 1) Carol Gilligan 2) Florence Laura Goodenough 3) Leta Stetter Hollingworth 9. Motivation 1) Robert Sessions Woodworth 2) William McDougall 3) Tomi Kora 10. Antiquity and Classic Psychology 1) Galan 2) Plotinus 3) St. Augustine 4) St. Thomas Aquinas 5) Hippocrates 6) Socrates 7) Plato 8) Aristotle 11. Social Principles of Behavior 1. Albert Bandura 2. Kurt Lewin 3. Carolyn W. Sherif 12. Additional Topics 1) Structuralism 2) Functionalism 3) Social Policy (deinstitutionalization; social justice) 4) Health Psychology 5) Forensic Psychology 6) Psychiatric Institutions 7) English/European Psychology 8) American Psychology 9) Education Psychology 10) Experimental Psychology 11) Developmental Psychology 12) Industrial/Organizational Psychology

1 Signature Assignment Term Paper PSYU 351 Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging Abstract 10 Accurately reflects what is going to be covered in paper Is not evaluative Is coherent and readable Is not less than 150 words and is not more than 250 words 8 States what is going to be covered in the paper but provides too much information Ranges in length from 100 to 149 words or is over 250 words 7 Abstract discusses one main point from paper, but misses other important main points Ranges in length from 50 to 99 words or is 50 words over 250 words 6 Provides opinion about topic but does not summarize what is in paper Abstract does not include information covered in paper or uses same wording as first part of paper Is less than 50 words or is more than 300 words Introduction 20 Clearly introduces topic and its relevance Introduction lays ground work for rest of paper (establishes organization) Main idea stands out in first two sentences Thesis or statement of problem is clear and concise 16 Overall topic is presented, but lacks a little clarity Main idea is not presented within the first few sentences, but is presented within the first page Thesis or statement of problem lacks a little clarity and could be stated more clearly 14 Topic is vague Discussion of relevance is weak Main idea is not presented within the first page Introduction does not connect to the organization of the paper 12 Unclear what the topic of the paper is No relevance is discussed Presents information without introducing subject No organization is established 2 Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging Information Presented in Body 70 Review of literature is strongly focused on the historical perspective of the topic selected For selected topic, includes all 4 required areas of discussion with high level of detail Details are grouped together in a way that makes sense (i.e., by topic, chronological, etc.) Clearly and concisely ties historical perspective to modern day applications Paper is a minimum of 9 pages and a maximum of 12 pages in length 80% or more of the content cited in the paper comes from sources other than textbooks 56 Review of literature is fairly strongly focused on the historical perspective of the topic selected For selected topic, includes all 3-4 required areas of discussion including detail for most areas Details are generally grouped together in a way that makes sense, but one or two seem to be out of place Somewhat clearly and concisely ties historical perspective to modern day applications Paper a page too short or too long 75-79% of the content cited in the paper comes from sources other than textbooks 49 Review of literature is weakly focused on the historical perspective of the topic selected For selected topic, includes all 2-3 required areas of discussion including detail for some areas Information does not seem to connect together well Information does not seem to have a common thread, or they are very loosely related Vaguely ties historical perspective to modern day applications Paper is two pages too short or too long 70-74% of the content cited in the paper comes from sources other than textbooks 42 Review of literature is not focused on the historical perspective of the topic selected For selected topic, includes all 1-2 required areas of discussion including very little detail for most areas Research goes off on tangents Does not tie historical perspective to modern day application or the connection is very unclear Paper is more than two pages too short or too long Less than 70% of the content cited in the paper comes from sources other than textbooks 3 Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging Conclusion 20  Discusses why topic is important Summarizes what was covered in paper without adding new information Shows succinct and precise conclusions based on review of literature 16  Summarizes topic but adds a new piece of information  Makes a conclusion that is not supported in the paper 14  Shows little synthesizing of topic Makes more than one conclusion that is vaguely supported in the paper 12  Does not discuss why topic is important  No indication that information has been synthesized Conclusions not supported within the paper Research Requirements 40  Includes a minimum of 10 references Uses a minimum of 3 sources that are not from peer reviewed academic journals or scholarly journals, and all other references come from peer reviewed research journals or scholarly journals Includes the purpose, sample, method, results, and conclusion for any research studies used Uses a minimum of 3 primary sources and/or does not use more than 3 textbooks 32  Includes 8-9 references  Uses 4-5 sources that are not peer reviewed academic journals or scholarly journals, and all other references come from peer reviewed research journals or scholarly journals Includes the purpose, sample, method, results, and conclusion for any research studies used most of research studies included in the review Uses 2-3 primary sources and/or uses 4 textbooks 28  Includes 6-7 references  Uses mostly sources that are not from peer reviewed academic journals or scholarly journals Includes the purpose, sample, method, results, and conclusion for a few of the research studies included in the review Uses 1-2 primary sources and/or uses 5 textbooks 20  Includes 0-5 references  All sources used are not from peer reviewed academic journals or scholarly journals Does not include any research within the review Does not use primary sources and uses 5 or more textbooks 4 Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging Writing Style 40  Paper flows well from general ideas to specific conclusions and/or viceversa All paragraphs follow a logical order Transitions tie paragraphs together well No errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and use of English Paraphrases well and only uses quotations to highlight important points Uses subheadings to divide out paper into clear and concise sections 32  Paper flows fairly well, but there are a few disconnects in the logic The connections between paragraphs need a little work A few errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structures, and use of English Needs a little improvement on paraphrasing Over uses quotations. Uses some subheadings to divide paper into clear sections 28 Many disconnects in logic Transitions are poor or do not exist Several errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and use of English Does not paraphrase well and uses too many quotations Use one or two subheadings to help organize paper 24  Difficult to determine any logic in the flow of the paper Order of material does not seem to make sense Transitions between paragraphs do not exist Writing is convoluted Paper is full of errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and use of English Does not paraphrase well Does not use subheadings to organize paper 5 Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging APA Format 40  Title page is in correct APA format Citations within text are in APA format with no errors Headings within paper are in correct APA format with no errors Reference list has no errors 32  Title page, citations within text, and headings may have a few minor errors, but APA format is primarily used.   Cites references within paper, but makes a few mistakes in punctuation errors in APA format Reference list has a few minor errors 28  APA format is primarily used, but there are several small and/or significant errors in following format   Sporadically cites references within text of paper Reference list has multiple errors  24  APA format is not followed or is followed very little   Does not cite references within text of paper or uses some other format Does not use APA format for reference list.

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