Healthcare Management Case 5

In a 3 – 4 double spaced pages, using the title of each case study as a main level heading, respond to each of the items listed below. Include a correctly formatted title page and references section must accompany your paper.

When formatting your paper, follow all APA 6th ed. guidelines (i.e., precise double spacing, 12-point black Times New Roman typeface, headings and subheadings (if necessary), throughout the body of the paper, indented first line for each paragraph, ensuring that every reference has a corresponding in-text citation, etc.)

Ergonomics in Practice case:
Referring to the specific control methods in Chapter 12, explain how Tim Montana is trying to control performance in Riverlea Rehab. Which methods do you think are being used in this case?

Taking Care of Business at Graceland Memorial Hospital (GMH) case:
Chapter 13 explains causes of conflict. Describe which of these are seen in this case.

Taking Care of Business at Graceland Memorial Hospital (GMH) case:
Referring to Exhibits 13.2 and 13.3 in Chapter 13, which of the five conflict resolution styles do you think should be used to resolve the conflict? Justify your answer.

Disparities in Care at Southern Regional Health System case:
Explain how Mr. Hank could apply Kotter’s eight-step process to implement change to reduce the healthcare disparities.

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