Strategy and Governance at Yahoo! Inc.

Strategy and Governance at Yahoo! Inc. 1. Conduct a Porter’s Five Forces Analysis to analyze the search business Yahoo! is in. For each of the forces, identify whether the influence is low, medium, or high and briefly explain why. Then, draw conclusions about the general attractiveness and competitive environment of the industry. (50 points) 2. Evaluate the acquisition opportunity that Yahoo! faced with the unsolicited bid made by Microsoft. Did Yahoo! make the right decision in turning down the offer? Support your answer with at least three arguments. (50 points) 3. Imagine you are one of the newer board members (either Patty Hart or David Kenny). The two of you are meeting to discuss what should happen to the board in response the letter from shareholder Daniel Loeb. Discuss whether you think Daniel Loeb’s criticism of the board is justified. Decide what you think is the best option going forward. (50 points)

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