This project is designed to provide practice in comparing and contrasting internal colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and pluralism perspectives on race relations.

Project Overview
This project is designed to provide practice in comparing and contrasting internal colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and pluralism perspectives on race relations.

An 850-word (minimum) Word document in 12-point font, double spacing, APA citations (including a title and reference page), and utilizes paragraph format with complete sentences. This assignment should also respond to the following questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. The length requirement for this paper is 850 words, but the word requirement does not include either your title page and/or reference page. You can verify that you have met this requirement by using the Word Count feature in Microsoft Word. This project requires the use of 2 additional resources that can include but not be limited to the web, and or traditional media such as television news, the newspaper, magazines and or resources from the library.

Project Details
Perform the following tasks:
Step 1:
Please choose only one (1) of the following questions to respond to for your midterm project:
    Over the last two years, members of the National Football League and other professional athletes have kneeled, linked arms, or raised fists to protest racial inequality and police brutality against people of color, as well as call for greater efforts in racial reconciliation and social justice.  Many say that we have entered a new era of racism in America.  What is your opinion?  Have we entered a new era of growing racism and racial injustice in America or are such claims exaggerations with no basis in reality?  Be specific and cite sources in your answer.

1) Do some basic research, (please use the websites provided if you are answering Questions 2 or 3) and develop a point of view.
2) Remember, referring back to the textbook maybe helpful.
3) Make sure you use a minimum of 2 additional sources for your research.

NOTE: Make sure to use quotes, citations and references to support your work.

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