
Showing posts from May, 2018

America:   Under Construction Capstone Social Studies/ELA Project

America:   Under Construction Capstone Social Studies/ELA Project Grade 8: United States History I Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy Topic Choices Historical Topic Theme to Explore Abolition Rights in History The Civil War -Conflicts and Compromises leading to war -Rising Tensions -Secession -Abraham Lincoln -Battles of the Civil War -The War’s End Triumph and Tragedy Reconstruction Leadership and Legacy Group: _________________________________________________________________ Topic Choice (be specific for Civil War): ___________________________________________ Resources: American History textbook/Two Miserable Presidents Abolition Textbook pages 389-400 and 407-412 Two Miserable Presidents pages 1-39 “How to Rip a Country Apart” and “John Brown Lights the Fuse” CW: Conflict and Compromises Textbook pages 430-438 Two Miserable Presidents pages 1-39 “How to Rip a Country Apart” and “John Brown Lights the Fuse” CW: Rising Tensions Textbook pages 439-449 Two Miserable Presidents pages 41

Discussion 3 Knowledge Management

Discussion 3: Knowledge Mgt: : POST BY 11:59 pm Friday, REPLY BY 11:59 pm Monday For this discussion, please read the article Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company.pdfPreview the document Once you have completed the reading, please post your reflection using proper APA format.  Cite your text at least once, the article, and at least two additional outside sources.  This posting must consist of at least 250 words.  Briefly summarize the three key reasons why knowledge management is important and provide your own company examples for two of the three reasons using outside research (similar to how the authors did). For example, if I were writing this I could use FSW’s weekly career development sessions provided by the FSW ‘The Learning Center (TLC)’ department for ‘Builds Learning Organizations by Making Learning Routine’ as an example for that reason. Refer to APA citation and reference guidelines for how to properly cite a personal example if you want t


You will need to upload your essay as an attachment to the peer review discussion board. In your post, you should explain what genre you will write in next and ask three questions you have for your peer reviewers. The first draft of your essay should be 1,200 words and will need to: make a personal connection to your issue — this can be anywhere in your paper! introduce your argument + engage your reader by explaining the challenge, its connection to UO as a site of global learning, and the urgency for dealing with it now include body paragraphs that connect to and support your claim using personal experience, hypothetical examples, other voices (articles, interviews, TED talks, etc.), and other context-specific evidence (don’t forget Emerson and Lahiri!) use organized paragraphs to best persuade your reader to sympathize with and understand your point of view conclude with a call for action, by asking a new question, by discussing the implications of your argument, by addressing

political science

Explain how the structure of the federal system affects the application of the Bill of Rights, describing how the Supreme Court has used the Fourteenth Amendment to expand coverage throughout the federal system. Discuss the due-process clause and the incorporation doctrine.Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length and incorporate classroom as well as outside resources and be formally formatted to include a bibliography of those resources (APA or MLA style). . Note a virtual copy of the Bill of Rights is located in the resources section as well as a text version your textbook appendix. Also see the resource on Due Process if needed. The post political science appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

“Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986).”

Go to the Case Brief Website located at or use the Internet to research “Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986).” (also discussed briefly in the text). Next, discuss and analyze the manner in which the defendant, Michael Hardwick, argued that his right to privacy protected him against the Georgia sodomy law. Next, debate whether or not the Georgia sodomy law can remain constitutional when same-sex marriage has been ratified in nearly thirty (30) states. Provide support for your response. Based on Chapter 12 from the textbook, homosexuality encompasses both specific kinds of sexual behaviors and a more general sexual orientation. Examine the overall impact, if any, that homosexuality has on the United States’ definition of a “nuclear family”.*** Next, give your opinion as to whether this changing trend is permanent or simply a “phase.” Justify your response. *** NUCLEAR FAMILY: The traditional definition of a nuclear family is a family unit that includes two ma

Current event on Gender or Sexuality

3 page paper about a current event on Gender or Sexuality. the paper must briefly summarize the event, include a critical analysis of the event, state the significance of the event and relate back to course theme (which is Humanities perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Women) The post Current event on Gender or Sexuality appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Current event on Gender or Sexuality

3 page paper about a current event on Gender or Sexuality. the paper must briefly summarize the event, include a critical analysis of the event, state the significance of the event and relate back to course theme (which is Humanities perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Women) The post Current event on Gender or Sexuality appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Business in Society

Please be sure to write a succinct reaction to an article in the WSJ. Please write no more than one to two paragraphs. Please be sure that the article relates to this week’s readings. ONLY ONE PARAGRAPH This is the article u-s-inflation-firms-in-april- stays-at-fed-target-for- second-month-straight- 1527771750 The post Business in Society appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


Gender is a fundamental social division. All around us we see differences between men and women (and girls and boys). The way they dress. The activities they engage in. What they say. What they want out of life. We see gender differences in the college classroom — who tends to major in what subjects? We see gender differences at the workplace — who tends to hold positions of power and authority? We see gender differences in the home — who tends to do the majority of housework? These social arrangements, which create and sustain gender differences, end up having powerful effects on the lifestyles and life chances of individuals. Essay Possibility #1: Read this: 2017/05/20/you-shouldve-asked . What argument is the author of this blog post making? Do you find that argument compelling? Why or why not? As you write up your response, please reference and seriously engage with the course reading by Judith Lorber, “Night to his Day: The Social Construction of Ge

Interrelationship of the cash flow

Discuss the interrelationship of the cash flow statement to the other financial statements. In your discussion comment and explain operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. What is the difference between an indirect and a direct cash flow statement? Which is GAAP? The post Interrelationship of the cash flow appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Deploying WLAN in the Classroom

Assignment 4: Implementation of Authentication Process Assignment Requirements Other than the Internet, probably no aspect of technology will have more impact on the classroom than the wireless local area network (WLAN), which may soon become as indispensable to the educational mission as chalkboards and textbooks. In the 21st century, technological literacy will be a primary determinant of whether a student succeeds or fails later in life. The ability to access and work with a wide range of information technology (IT) applications will be critical to ensuring this literacy. The benefits of a pervasive wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) deployment in primary and secondary education include: § Infrastructure Flexibility: School districts’ learning technology needs can be as unpredictable as class sizes. A WLAN can be quickly rolled out virtually anywhere, without the need for extensive retrofitting of existing infrastructure. § Speed: Classroom productivity is measured in terms of how much c


MOST STOP M^KWG^HtM PICK UP THE PHON HERE’S A SCENARIO MOST OF US HAVE EXPERIENCED AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER: YOU ARRIVE AT THE AIRPORT AND SEE A CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT STANDING THERE, YET YOU STILL HEAD STRAIGHT FOR THE SELF SERVE KIOSK TO CHANGE YOUR SEAT, PERHAPS REQUEST AN UPGRADE, AND PRINT YOUR BOARDING PASS. OR HOW ABOUT THIS ONE: YOU STAND IN LINE AT THE BANK TO USE THE ATM BUT KNOW FULL WELL THERE’S A TELLER INSIDE THE BANK WHO’S READY TO HELP YOU. It turns out that most customers don’t just ¡ike self-service—surprisingly often, we go out of our way to self-serve. How customers want to be served, and how they want to engage with companies, has changed considerably in the past decade. The problem is that most service strategies haven’t followed suit, and this is hurting companies not just once but twice, through increased operating costs and decreased customer loyalty. There are a variety of reasons why self-service has become so appealing to customers. It’s efficie

HOW does one of the Standard Lonelieness Package reflect and comment on a recent, specific social issue that is of cultural, political, and/or historical importance?

One approach to analyzing and interpreting literature is to consider the story alongside the historical context in which it was written in order to explore how the literature reflects and/or comments on a specific cultural moment or event. For this essay, you will be tasked with researching and exploring historical context in relation to ONE of the stories in Charles Yu’s Sorry Please Thank You in order to answer the following question: HOW does one of the short stories reflect and comment on a recent, specific social issue that is of cultural, political, and/or historical importance? Minimum Requirements Length: Essay needs to be a minimum of 6 pages (maximum of 8 full pages) in proper MLA formatting. The Works Cited page does not count towards this page length (nor do block quotes). Your essay needs to include substantial and relevant integration of a minimum of TWO outside sources. These sources should focus on contextualizing the specific social issue that you are writing abou

Assignment: Hillman Treatment Plan

Role of the OTA Assignment: Hillman Treatment Plan     Ms. Hillman is a 76-year-old female who was admitted to Ridgewood Health Care Center, an extended care facility, following a fall in which she fractured her left hip.  She has experienced quite a bit of fatigue as a result of her accident and hospital stay, which is fairly typical.  She now has reduced tolerance for activities, feels unsteady on her feet and needs help to dress, especially the lower body.  She has been referred to physical and occupational therapy for assessment and rehabilitation.  Her wish is to return to her home where she lives alone with her dog.  She does have family that can be helpful; however, they live approximately 20 –30 minutes away.    She has friendly neighbors who live quite close by, but they are limited in their ability to be very helpful to Ms. Hillman so she will need to have a fairly high level of independence.  She does drive and has a car but does not like to drive far distances or at ni

HR and Development

There are two sections of this answer the questions for each week on material that is uploaded for each week and then follow the journal template for each week also. 10: Coaching & Performance Management •    Welcome to the tenth week of HR and Organizational Development. Here we are with Week 10! Already? What is HR’s role in organizations? What is OD and how does it fit into an organization? What are some of the factors that influence employee motivation? What is the role of Career Management and Development both organizationally and individually? What is Learning and Development? What is HRD’s role with Diversity? What is HRD’s role in change? What is HR’s role as a change agent? What is employee counseling and EAPs? This week is oriented toward coaching and performance management. Why is coaching important? Coaching skills are important ones to have in today’s environment.  Within SHRM’s body of knowledge on their certification exam, coaching and counseling are l

Research Paper

Paper Outline – 5%: The expectation is that you will submit a one-page typed double spaced outline of your proposed paper which identifies which of the assigned topics you intend to write about and outlines how you intend to apply one of the four identified lenses. The outline must also provide an additional page – a reference sheet in APA format listing the minimum of FIVE academic sources you will cite in your paper. You will then photocopy and attach the first page of each of these sources. Please submit this document as a scanned PDF single document via Blackboard by 10:00am. If it is not submitted by 10:00am but is submitted prior to class commencing, there will be a 10% deduction. If it is not submitted prior to class commencing, the assigned grade will be zero, but the assignment must be completed and submitted by June 26, 2018 in order to pass the class.   Paper – 20%: The Paper should be submitted in Blackboard as a PDF assignment and is due by 10:00am SHARP . If you submi


. What’s the main finding of the article, and how does the author support her argument? 2. When contrasting babies with the Sarin’ampela, Astuti states that “the former are all sex and no gender; the latter are all gender and no sex.” (1998:19). What does she mean by that? Explain. 3. What connections do you see between Astuti and Meigs? 4. How does the article challenge or support any previous ideas you’ve held about gender roles? The post Gender appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Does free trade predominantly lead to the exploitation of workers and only benefit the economic elite in developing countries?

In no more than 1500 words please comment and elaborate on the following: Does free trade predominantly lead to the exploitation of workers and only benefit the economic elite in developing countries? The post Does free trade predominantly lead to the exploitation of workers and only benefit the economic elite in developing countries? appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


For this discussion, please present in two paragraphs, your own views on how you see the career development process help move you forward towards your personal and professional goals.  Even if you are in a career that you like and plan to continue, why is it important to understand these steps?  Considering the four main factors of influence that were presented in Krumboltz’s social learning theory, select one of the factors and explain how it applies to you specifically in your career development The post ENGLISH appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Response to Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Need details from “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” From the beginning of the novel, Henry wears the “I am Chinese” button given to him by his father. What is the sociological significance of this button? In other words, use sociology terms and concepts from our class to explain the significance of the “I am Chinese” button. feature at least three SOC terms or concepts.(Need to be listed+defined+explained) – Discrimination – Expulsion Hotel Essay Hotel Essay Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOC terms/concepts LISTED Three ( 3) or more sociology terms are featured in the essay. 15.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOC terms/concepts DEFINED Students include the full definition of each term used in the essay. 15.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOC terms/concepts EXPLAINED Students clearly demonstrate a working knowledge of the sociology terms chosen to use in the essay 45.0 p