
Showing posts from July, 2018

Entering a Foreign Market

Entering a Foreign Market – MEXICO You work for a fast food company that hopes to set up operations in MEXICO Additionally, search the internet for trade regulations for Mexico, outline the most important foreign trade barriers your firm’s manager must keep in mind before deciding on the type entry mode into MEXICO Then, pick which entry mode you will use and explain why The post Entering a Foreign Market appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Manage Budget and Financial Plans

744040- 744042 744043 The post Manage Budget and Financial Plans appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Activists, Soldiers, Mothers: Women in Revolutionary America

  Activists, Soldiers, Mothers: Women in Revolutionary America   The image is a painting that shows a man, woman and five children of different ages, outside in a wooded area. Two of the children are playing.Painting entitled The Artist and His Family, by James Peale.   This activity addresses the following outcomes: MO1: Examine, interpret, and evaluate the impact of gender on colonists’ experience in Revolutionary America. (CO1, CO3, CO5)   Women played a variety of roles in Revolutionary America. Their boycotts and homespun proved integral to the protests prior to the war. Once the war began, they played vital roles as spies, soldiers, and managers of their husbands’ affairs. And throughout it all, they remained wives and mothers, with all the myriad responsibilities those roles encompassed.   In this discussion thread, we are going to take a closer look at women in Revolutionary America. Because many of them were not literate and even fewer inhabited the public sphere,
  Jefferson’s Uneasy Relationship with Slavery   The image is a painting of Thomas Jefferson. He is looking directly at the artist for this portrait and is wearing clothing and a hairstyle of the time. This is the official presidential portrait.Painting of Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale.   This activity addresses the following outcomes: MO2: Examine the institution of slavery in the Revolutionary era and apply primary sources from Thomas Jefferson to understand its acceptance in Revolutionary America (CO1, CO2, CO5).   It may strike you as surprising and contradictory that the man who penned the Declaration of Independence, with its ringing endorsement of the equality of all men simultaneously owned slaves, fathered mixed-race children, and defended the institution of slavery.   Jefferson was not alone in this contradiction; very few of the founders advocated for the liberation of black slaves during the revolutionary era. In this discussion thread, we are going to tak

Whistleblower Phenomenon

  Whistleblower Phenomenon     Image of Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, reading over his speech outside of the Russell Caucus Room prepares to deliver the keynote address for the National Whistleblower Center’s briefing on ‘Congressional Oversight of the FBI’ in the Russell Caucus Room on Monday, May 14, 2007.This discussion activity will focus on the ethical portion of this week’s module notes. We discussed the need for ethical standards in the IC to prevent abuse of both American civil liberties, but also for the adversarial dignity of human rights. For this discussion, we will focus on the domestic issues of IC ethics in “spying” on Americans. To complete this activity, we will discuss the phenomenon of “whistleblowers.” Review both required videos on Edward Snowden and Thomas Drake for this discussion. Use of other IC whistleblowers may also be used, but you’ll need to provide some background on your selected whistleblower for the class. Make sure to validate your answer with re

Reflection on Portfolio Assignment

Reflection on Portfolio Assignment Reflect on your portfolio of work and the questions below. Write a five paragraph reflective essay on the work that you produced for the class: A.  Begin with a brief introduction and a  thesis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  that summarizes how you have experienced this course. Then, write three body paragraphs (described below.)  The paragraphs do not need to be in RTW format, but you certainly can use the CER structure to help you stay organized. 1) Write one body paragraph about how your critical thinking, reading and writing skills have developed in this course. 2) Write one body paragraph about the role of the St. Kate’s mission in your life, your work and your studies. 3) Write one body paragraph about how you will lead and influence on social justice issues in the best tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Finally, write a brief conclusion summarizing your experience in this course. Provide depth in ea

CCJ 340 Crime Analysis     

CCJ 340 Crime Analysis                     Module 3A                                     10/2017   INSTRUCTIONS   This week you are going to create presentation quality graphs (also known as charts). The assignment requires that you spend time learning the various commands in Excel that allow you to create and modify graphs. More specifically, you will be creating ten charts to mirror samples I provide on the forthcoming pages. These charts are described below along with the name of the Excel file you should use for the data analysis. At the end of the assignment you will create two of your own charts using datasets I have provided in the course.   Please note that graphs I present on the subsequent pages may have been done using a different dataset than you are provided. This means that you cannot copy the numbers or titles I present in my charts: you must run the analyses yourself using the data files provided in the module. These files change from term-to-term so make sure

PMO Planning Results

For this assignment, address the following items: •    Define project planning in context of the PMO. •    Describe the primary rationale for PMO project planning. •    Compare and contrast the project planning functions between Supportive and Controlling PMO types. •    Summarize how the project planning enables PMO success. Your responses to these items should meet the following requirements: •    Your paper should be 2-3 pages long. •    Format your paper per the APA format •    Cite at least three current scholarly resources The post PMO Planning Results appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


CJ U6A1 Attributing the Evidence for Arguments: Citing Sources Locate three sources of information on the topic you have chosen for your course paper. At least two of them should be from the Capella University Library. When you have located the articles, use the Citing and Referencing Sources of Information Worksheet, linked in Resources, to complete the following: Cite a short excerpt as a direct quote from each of the three sources of information. Cite a paraphrase from each of the three sources of information. Provide a full reference for each of the three sources. Check your work for spelling and grammar errors before submitting your worksheet for grading. Read the Attributing the Evidence for Arguments: Citing Sources scoring guide to better understand how this assignment will be graded. Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like. The post C

Decision-Making Report Instructions

Decision-Making Report Instructions You will survey and report on the perceptions and issues with ethical decision-making in higher education. Colleges and universities are custodians of knowledge. Because the possession of knowledge is the source of power—understood here as the ability to influence decisions in contemporary society—these institutions are also the gateway to power, significantly affecting the quality of economic and social life throughout the world. Thus, insofar as colleges and universities create and disseminate knowledge within a particular society, they are institutions with moral responsibilities to maintain the well-being of that society. Be specific with your finding and recommendations for addressing this issue. Be sure to follow these guidelines: The report must follow current APA format and style, including: A title page, A reference page, Double spacing, and Writing in third person. The report must be at least 3 pages, not including the title pag

Introduction, firstly, you have to write the background, and then, you have to introduce the main ideas of essay1 and essay2. Then in the end you have to write 3 thesis statements.

First paragraph: Introduction, firstly, you have to write the background, and then, you have to introduce the main ideas of essay1 and essay2. Then in the end you have to write 3 thesis statements.   Second paragraph: Body paragraph, firstly, you have to follow one on 3 thesis to write. In the beginning, you have to introduce what you will write in this paragraph, and then use one quotation from essay 1, and analysis it. Then you have to write the transfer sentence, and use one quotation from other essay, (essay2), and then analysis it. In the end make a conclusion. Third paragraph: Same as second.         The post Introduction, firstly, you have to write the background, and then, you have to introduce the main ideas of essay1 and essay2. Then in the end you have to write 3 thesis statements. appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED F

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Benner suggests that as a nurse gains more experience, knowledge and skill level increases. Nurses move from novices—making decisions based on rules—to experts who are able to see connections between actions and outcomes using critical thinking. This Discussion focuses on the role of critical thinking in nursing practice and the connection between critical thinking, clinical competence, and scholarship. •    Review the Learning Resources focusing on critical thinking and Benner’s interpretation of the Novice to Expert theory. •    Reflect on how critical thinking is used in clinical practice. How does critical thinking relate to, or support, clinical competence? •    What critical thinking strategies do you use to improve your clinical competence and thus move from novice to expert? •    Consider the connection between critical thinking, nursing practice, and scholarship. 3 references The post Critical Thinking appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assig

Personal Marketing Plan Instructions

Personal Marketing Plan InstructionsThis is an individual-level assignment. Specifically, I’m looking for your ability to apply marketing concepts to yourself as a “product” that you are trying to market to a potential employer. You will evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, objectives, target market, and marketing mix strategies (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) to market yourself. First, analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, especially in terms of the target market you are looking at for possible employment or a career. What are your career objectives? You can consider either short term or long-term career objectives. What is the target industry (market) for your post collegiate job? What is the profile of the employer? You could specify it to be a specific company, a group of companies, organizations in a particular field, etc. The marketing mix is the four P’s. Consider yourself as the product and mention your core benefit to yo

Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class in the News

Race, Ethnicity, and Social Class in the News For this question, you need to set aside some time to view television news on your local NBC, CBS, or ABC network. Do not use national outlets, such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or morning shows such as Good Morning America. Watch two different 15- to 30-minute segments of your local television news on two different days of the week. Take notes about how different races, ethnicities, and social classes are portrayed. Note how much time is spent portraying crime or other negative topics. If there is not much crime coverage, simply note what topics and groups are shown and how they are presented. Remember, the lack of coverage of negative topics, such as crime, is just as meaningful as a great deal of coverage. In your discussion post, share the local news programs you watched and the days and times you watched them. Then address each of the following questions, using specific examples from the segments you watched to illustrate your points: How we

What were the main arguments put forth by the pro-and anti-emancipationist forces?

Work two parts seperately Part 1 write a short essay,control words account between 500 – 750 words essay must consist of: 1. An Introduction paragraph, which contains a minimum of two sentences that introduces your answer to the reader and establishes a foundation for the remainder of your answer. 2. Body paragraph(s), which present the major content of your answer. Include at least three body paragraphs with three or four sentences within the paragraph. 3. A conclusion paragraph, which contains a minimum of two sentences and summarizes the major points contained in the body paragraphs. What were the main arguments put forth by the pro-and anti-emancipationist forces?  What are the main differences between the emancipation processes in Germany and France?  What was the impact of Russian tsarist policies toward the Jews? Part 2 Make a brief discussion control words account between 150 – 220 words Who do you think were the most important agents of “modernity” and change in ear

The U.S. Government Engagement in Global Health: A Primer

REPORT The U.S. Government Engagement in Global Health: A Primer Published: Jan 27, 2017 ™ Facebook (htt p:// ww w.fa ceb ook. com /sha rer. php ? u=ht tps %3A %2F %2F wp. me %2F p3o XagRPJ) Twitter (htt p://t witt er.c om/ shar e? text =Th e+U. S.+G over nme nt+E nga gem ent+ in+ Glo bal+ Heal th% 3A+ A+P rime r+% E2% 80% Ï LinkedIn (htt ps:// ww nke din. com /sha reAr ticle ? mini =tru e&ti tle= The +U.S .+G over nme nt+E nga gem ent+ in+ Glo bal+ Heal Î Email (mai lto:? subj ect= The %20 U.S. %20 Gov ern men t%2 0En gag eme nt% 20in %20 Glo bal %20 Heal th% 3A% 20A %20 Pri mer 4 Print What is Global Health? Despite a growing emphasis on the importance of addressing global health by the international community and the U.S., there is currently no standard, agreed-upon definition for global health, and several different definitions exist. The Institute of Medicine has defined global health as having “the goal of improving health for all people in all nations by promoting welln