
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Case of Jenni Lake

Q. What should you advise her? What is the right thing to do in this situation?  The ESSAY STRUCTURE will reflect:1)Start with an introduction, which in part summarizes the core issue;2)Then, in the first part of the essay, you will answer the question: “WHAT?” would YOUR advice be in this situation? What is the right thing to do?3)Next,  answer  the  question:  “WHY  is  right  or  wrong?”  did  you  reach  this decision (i.e. state the REASONS behind your decision).4)Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion paragraph. The post The Case of Jenni Lake appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

1 Racism, Discrimination and the Over – Representation of Indigenous People in the Criminal Justice System: Some Conceptual and Explanatory Issues

2 included the author and Blagg, Morgan and Ferrante from the Crime Research Centre in Western Australia. 3 The impetus f or this article derives from both the research commissioned by the Victorian EOC 4 and the need to provide a response to the Weatherburn et al argument. A much fuller discussion of the over – representation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice, and in particular the concepts of systemic bias, discrimination and institutional racism can be found in the EOC report (Blagg et al 2005). However, it is important to consider briefly the conceptual framework used to account for differential treatment by crimin al justice agencies. One of the problems with the Weatherburn critique of ‘systemic bias’ is precisely the failure to provide such a conceptual analysis. The article begins with a discussion of the three concepts often used when discussing and explaining the over – representation of Indigenous people, and racial minorities

yes violent media causes kids to be violent

it must be at least 3 minutes long and it has to have evidence and sources “facts” to back up my argument which is that violent media makes kids violent The post yes violent media causes kids to be violent appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Write 3 pages on what the human resources department

Write 3 pages on what the human resources department of a business can do to prevent and handle mental and physical discrimination with some possible outcomes. NO Refrence PAGE, NOT COVER PAGE The post Write 3 pages on what the human resources department appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Art response

1. The format of your writing must be consistent with the sample that I upload (structure, 2 .paragraphs, resources, the name of the professor and the name of his work). Do not write anything that is not related to the professor and his work (Da Vinci, Picasso, etc.), you can write how he created the work, what material it uses, its texture, style, how you feel and so on. 3. The main argument should be the main part of your writing. You are required to develop a solid and meaningful argument in response to the thesis question. 4. Your argument in the lecture response must be supported by AT LEAST TWO EXAMPLES of artworks I gave you. 5. Encourage Your  Imagination. 400 words is enough. Question: Whoever controls the medium, controls the culture”. Discuss how artists control the medium as a political gesture to initiate a dialogue about social or cultural values. Professor: Ty Warren Resources: http://tyrras. The post Art response appeared fi

aboriginal tribes

A little background on the word “archetype”: Several people believe that we have patterns of thoughts, or archetypes, that come out in our dreams and in literature that form the beliefs and attitudes that we have towards the way we think and live. Simply put, an archetype is a recurring pattern of character, symbol, or situation found in the mythology, religion, and stories of all cultures. In the context of archetypes, a man named Joseph Campbell defined his work as a search for the commonality of themes in world myths. Another man named Carl Jung defined his concept of the archetype as a formula that is the result of countless experiences of our ancestors. Both men felt that the experience of being human can be examined collectively across time, space, and culture.  Our commonality can be traced to the most primitive origins of the human consciousness, where archetypal themes originated. This is a basic definition an archetype.  If you want to look into this further, search the In

First, read in the Week 4 content area and the Map of Hope selections noted in the syllabus.

First, read in the Week 4 content area and the Map of Hope selections noted in the syllabus. (The reading assignments for this week are from our Map of Hope assignment. Please use the author name as your guide (some editions may have different pagination).* Read Hirabayashi, 65-69; El Saadawi, 120-123; Muniz-Huberman, 124-125; Cassidy, 129-136) What happens to the mind, body, and spirit under the conditions of imprisonment, such as the kind we witness in our readings this week?  How do the readings confront us with the harsh reality of life as a prisoner of war or political persecution?  How do we as readers bear witness to these psychological and emotional truths? For this week’s assignment, you are a human rights worker who must interview an imprisoned subject and communicate your observations about the imprisoned individual’s conditions and state of being to a larger audience.  In your brief (300-500 word) report, use the images and expressions directly from the readings convey yo

Flood Myths

Look at the list below of flood myths from around the world.  Your job for this section is to complete the following: Conduct an Internet search on the following flood myths: Babylonian- Epic of Gilgamesh Hindu Greek Noah’s Ark Zoroastrian While reading, jot down the key elements that you find within each myth.  Remember what you learned in the last unit regarding key elements.  It is your turn to come up with your own key elements while reading these myths. List at least three key elements that you found within all the flood myths. Why do you think that they have these elements in common? What did you learn about the flood myths that you thought was intriguing? The post Flood Myths appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

The Case of Jenni Lake

What should you advise her? What is the right thing to do in this situation? The ESSAY STRUCTURE will reflect:1)Start with an introduction, which in part summarizes the core issue;2)Then, in the first part of the essay, you will answer the question: “WHAT?” would YOUR advice be in this situation? What is the right thing to do?3)Next,  answer  the  question:  “WHY  is  right  or  wrong?”  did  you  reach  this decision (i.e. state the REASONS behind your decision).4)Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion paragraph. The post The Case of Jenni Lake appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

For this essay, you are encouraged to come up with your own thesis.

World Literature Dr. Fiore Paper #2 4-5 Pages Due:  April 13 For this essay, you are encouraged to come up with your own thesis. Your thesis will serve as the driving purpose of your paper, but more importantly, it will allow you to write about what you find most compelling, most puzzling, most worthy of exploration. The argument should be clearly stated in your introductory paragraph, and if you are striving for an A, the thesis should explore a position that is complex and nuanced. Be sure that your discussion is grounded in the text, that you include relevant quotes, and that there is analyzation and close reading and discussion of the text. Strive to be original. Take risks, push yourself, consider all of the information that is available to you, even the historical references and context, and possible implications you may wish to explore. Think big. Deborah H. Barnes argues that Morrison often presents “maladjusted people [who] become ludicrous, pathetic, and dysfunctional

For this essay, you are encouraged to come up with your own thesis.

World Literature Dr. Fiore Paper #2 4-5 Pages Due: April 13   For this essay, you are encouraged to come up with your own thesis. Your thesis will serve as the driving purpose of your paper, but more importantly, it will allow you to write about what you find most compelling, most puzzling, most worthy of exploration. The argument should be clearly stated in your introductory paragraph, and if you are striving for an A, the thesis should explore a position that is complex and nuanced. Be sure that your discussion is grounded in the text, that you include relevant quotes, and that there is analyzation and close reading and discussion of the text. Strive to be original. Take risks, push yourself, consider all of the information that is available to you, even the historical references and context, and possible implications you may wish to explore. Think big.   Deborah H. Barnes argues that Morrison often presents “maladjusted people [who] become ludicrous, pathetic, and dysfunctio

The required proposal is to be in Data Mining area, Recommender Systems and it must include:

The required proposal is to be in Data Mining area, Recommender Systems and it must include: A- The interest in the particular research area and the topic of studying B- The specific research questions you want to investigate and a description of your knowledge of the subject C- The relevant research literature you have read D- The methods and techniques you will use for the research E- An explanation of motivations for applying for a PhD degree F- A timetable  (monthly for the first year, and quarterly for subsequent years. please pay attention on the below points as well, the proposal must: 1- Establish the relevance and value of the proposed research question in the context of current academic thinking 2- Describe the data or source material your research requires 3- outline a clear and practical methodology, which enables you to answer the research question 4- state clearly what you hope to discover at the end of the research and what new areas it might open up. 5- incl

290 852 FEDERAL REPORTER, 2d SERIES hear you saying

290 852 FEDERAL REPORTER, 2d SERIES hear you saying: Well, maybe I should and maybe I shouldn’t. MR. HUBERT: Right. THE COURT: If you want the Court to vacate what the Court’s already done, it seems tv me that you ought to be able to come in with some positive affirmative posture other than a hunch. MR. HUBERT: I don’t have anything more than what I’ve already indicated to you. Tr. of Dec. 9, 1986 at 4-5. At the second hearing, the court addressed Dr. Sere as follows: THE COURT: And I told you before, Mr. Sere, time after time after time I have tried to give you all the consideration in the world. I even let a lawyer file an appearance on the hope that he could find a cause of action for you, and after he investigated it, came back in here and told me he couldn’t represent to the Court that there was any basis for your cause of action, and yet you come in again with this motion which suggests that people are lying or something. Tr. of Dec. 31, 1986 at 2. There is ample evidence in the

What legal concerns might you experience when you start working with trauma victims?

What legal concerns might you experience when you start working with trauma victims? Identify two strategies you plan to utilize in working with them. One strategy should address secondary interventions, and the other should identify tertiary interventions. Why would you select those strategies? Provide your rationale.   The post What legal concerns might you experience when you start working with trauma victims? appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

the quantum shift in the global brain pdf

Summarize ,**an essay on quantum shift in the global brain ** into 13 pages of material. Thisisa book which is available online by Ervin Laszio The post the quantum shift in the global brain pdf appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

State your Propositions boldly.

State your Propositions boldly. Begin with a one-sentence summary of each Proposition. State them as positive statements. Use third person only. 6. Propositions are proposed solutions to the issue posed in your research question. You might want to list your Research Question next to your Propositions on a separate piece of paper and reflect on how they are related. Make sure they are aligned with the Research Question before you begin discussing them. 7. Discuss each Proposition individually. Discussion and Propositions are joined into one section, but the Propositions are discussed one at a time. Use your Propositions as sub-headings for this section of your paper. 8. The Discussion stage is intended for your personal reflection and analysis, not for further review of the literature. Draw from the literature that has already been reviewed but do not introduce new literature at this point. Refer back to your Literature Review by mentioning authors’ names without introducing new topics.


Research Project Guidelines Your research paper is to be based on one of the case studies in your Manyika reading.  The case studies, as you’ll see, explore the state of several industries and the automation that might make them more efficient. You’ll choose an industry and one or two challenges that the industry faces, and you’ll elaborate on the automation that could help the industry overcome these challenges. Ask yourself “What is/are the significant problem(s) that this industry faces and what sort of technologies can solve that problem or problems?” Almost every sentence in a research paper comes from an outside source and should have a citation at the end of every sentence or paragraph, with a few exceptions, and matching bibliographic entry at the end of the paper. Include citations, footnotes, and endnotes in APA style using the Word references tool. Using this tool is a requirement. Videos appear on the Canvas main page of this module to help you use the Word feature that w


This is NOT for academics purpose. Instead, I hope you can write something short and creative in a poetic style about my summer break in my hometown. I will provide the content in our private conversation so you know what to write about but it is currently too formal and essay-like (as you will see). Make it creative and poetic-like! The post Poem appeared first on Classic Essay Blog . Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

The relation between well-being and income (Happiness economics)

Divide the text into chapters and divide these chapters into sections. Your sections should be subdivided into paragraphs. Indent the beginning of each paragraph except the first one in a chapter or section. If you decide to include tables or figures: number them, give them captions and cite their source. Before Chapter I, there must be a clear table of contents. Start your thesis with an introduction that clearly outlines your topic, your research question (i.e. which aspect of the topic you will focus on), your hypothesis (if any) and the research method you will use. In other words: What is my topic? What do I want to prove? And, how will I go about it? This introduction should not contain any personal reflections on your affinity with the topic or any acknowledgements of family or friends, etc. Any such remarks belong in a preface which may precede the introduction. Always end your thesis with a conclusion, assessing what has been shown in the thesis and the extent to which you